Navigating the identity security minefield

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CyberRisk Alliance Research Report


Identity and access management (or IAM) is critical to safeguarding your SaaS apps. Headline after headline tells us that identity-based cyber attacks are on the rise. Phishing, social engineering, deepfakes, password cracking, and Kerberoasting are just some of the many methods that criminals are using to gain access and move laterally through networks. How are security teams faring in this battle? That’s what we wanted to find out.


This research report presents the findings of a survey of more than 200 IT security professionals and leaders who have the pulse on their organizations’ IAM tools and policies. Download the report today for these key findings:


  • Learn what projects organizations are prioritizing within IAM in 2024.

  • How respondents are warming to the potential for AI-driven IAM solutions.

  • Find out how 46% of SOC teams are meeting challenges to balance the employee experience with security requirements, costs, and technical integration.


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